Saturday, December 18, 2010


Thank everyone for participating in the secret santa. Also, a special thanks to Mr. Lewine for buying us milkshakes. CONGRATULATION FOR FINISHING THE FIRST SEMESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have an awesome break and have a great time at intersession. Thank you for a great semester.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Gift Ideas for Secret Santa

Comment below for ideas for other people for secret santa. Make sure it is less than $10. please post 2-3 things and include your name. Thanks!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Homework 12/9/2010

Biology- 3.32 handout

geometry- study for final

Algebra- GOOMARS, finish book

Spanish- Study

English- Pages 5-7 of study guide

History- Essay, study guide packet

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

homework 12/8/2010

Biology- none

Geometry- finish 2 more pages of study guide

Algebra- 5-6 more representations for book

Spanish- study

English- none

history- revise essay and final draft

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Homework 12/7/2010

Biology- drug pamphlet due tomorrow

geometry- 2 more pages of the study guide

Spanish- make flash cards for all -er and -ir verbs

Algebra- work on two pages of story book

English- Socratic seminar preparation paper

History- unit 2 of the study guide

Monday, December 6, 2010

Homework 12/6/2010

Biology- questions #1-10 for drug research project

Geometry- 2 Pages of study guide

Algebra- GOOMARS(get out of MARS)

Spanish- study and make flashcards for the -er and -ir verbs you know

English- Project Due tomorrow

History- Unit 1 in study guide


Friday, December 3, 2010

Homework 12/3/2010

Algebra- Get out of MARS

Spanish- 1: study the -er and -ir verbs

English- Work on the project, project due on Tuesday

World Studies- draft of essay due on Monday

Biology- Look over drug research project outline and make sure you have chosen a drug by monday

Geometry- Choose your own adventure

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Homework 12/2/2010

Biology- 3.30 worksheet about the Phineas gage

geometry- lines and angles #4

English- work on you project

History- 3 body paragraphs for essay

Algebra- Fast Graphs

Spanish- 1- study   2- termina el menu

 other announcements:

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Homework- 11-30-2010

I will try to post the homework Daily

Biology- read and talk to the text about the brain article

Geometry- None!!!

Algebra- How can i make an A+ graph handout

Spanish- 1- write 10 sentences using gusta/gustan with the words from last nights homework

English- Finish ethical dilemma Outline

World Studies- Complete the essay outline


Welcome to Mr. Lewine's Mentor Group Blog. I made this so people who do not use facebook can still have access to the homework and announcements. I will try to post daily the homework and any other announcements around the school. Thank you for joining.